Today I ran in the Daytona Beach 5K. It was great because the course is on the Daytona International Speedway. There is a portion in the beginning that brought us through the infield to make the full 3.1 miles.
I felt good and was hoping to see some improvement in my time from October when I last ran a 5K. My time was a PR of 21:56. That beat my last time of 23:33 and was very happy. I had a plan to go out the first mile at around 6:50 and I did that. My plan was to back off to right around 7:00 min. for mile 2 and run sub 7 for the last mile, of course the .last .10 is pretty much an all out sprint. I stuck with my plan and it was right on.
Tomorrow is another long ride (70 miles) and an hour trail run off the bike for a long brick. I know it's going to hurt but that hard work is what makes the improvements happen. My season starts in March with a local olympic distance before St. Anthony's in April and Florida 70.3 in May. After that it will pretty much be sprints for the rest of the season. I may throw in an olympic towards the end, but we'll see how I feel (and how the wife feels about it).
From Drunk Clown to… Sober? A Nebraska Hangover
3 weeks ago